9+ Best Remote Development Companies & Services (2024)

The views expressed in this post are the writer's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Aloa or AloaLabs, LLC.

During the pandemic, some of the most traditional ways of doing business failed to sustain. Likewise, the software development sector faced several challenges during those times. However, because humans are ingenious creatures, it led to the emergence of a new trend of remote development companies.

This was undoubtedly the only industry that helped businesses stand back on their feet. Even in that troubling period, humans could shop, restaurants were able to deliver food, and students took their exams. Thanks to remote development companies for working hard to bring life back on track.

Although things are back to normal now, the remote practice appears to be on the go. And why not? It is cost-efficient and time-saving. Finding the right remote development company, however, is a challenge.

While most companies will brag about their achievements, chances are you might fall into their trap. The consequences could be late submissions, poor application quality, and broken promises.

Therefore, we have picked the 10 best remote development companies to make things easier. So keep reading because, by the end of this article, you will have enough information to make the right decision for hiring the best remote development company that fits your needs.

What Are The Best Remote Development Companies & Services For 2024?

Let's take a quick look at our top 3 picks -  Aloa, Contus, and InfoStride

  • Aloa - Top-notch remote development company with the radical infrastructure to ensure excellent backend, front-end, and cross-platform development.
  • Contus - One of the leading first offering in-house remote development services for front-end designs, UI/UX development, and more.
  • InfoStride - Top remote development company that uses secure channels.

Now let's review all 10 remote development companies & services in greater detail to see which one best meets the needs of your project.

1. Aloa - Top Pick

Remote Development Company Ideal For High-End Development Architecture

Aloa homepage

When it comes to remote development using modern methods, Aloa takes over from every corner. One of the strongest reasons organizations trust us is that we have professional and qualified remote teams to handle their work.

To choose highly qualified remote developers and engineers, we use a strict screening procedure. This ensures your remote tasks are fulfilled with 100% success. We have in-house teams with impressive and verified portfolios who work under our supervision to complete your remote projects.

Our company has benefitted numerous businesses by helping them build their desired applications. Our hard-working and dedicated remote teams never fail to amaze you with their talent and technical skills.

So what makes us great? We just don’t show off, but our portfolio speaks on our behalf. We have successfully completed several high-end development projects for global clients, including gaming and AR platforms, industry-specific mobile apps, and much more.

Our company is always ready to help you with remote:

  • Android, iOS, and cross-platform mobile development
  • Front-end development - using React.js, JavaScript, Angular, and web
  • Backend development - using Python, Node.js, Django, PHP, .NET, Drupal, Laravel, and MongoDB

But that’s not it. You can also count on us for UI design, cryptocurrency development, AR/VR development, IoT, and web design**.** All done remotely.

Besides, to help you savor all the boons, we at Aloa perform biweekly audits on your remote projects to ensure that every step leads to great success. We also use customized strategies for each of your projects to make them unique.

Additionally, Aloa has its very own customizable platform for managing your outsourced projects. It allows you and our remote team members to check your project’s status, updates, and recent amendments through the same window.

Here are a few more reasons why we claim to be the best remote development company in 2024.

  • Offers performance insights
  • Affordable services with timeline submissions
  • Complete in-house teams - no freelancing culture


Aloa charges you according to your project’s requirements. You can contact our support team to discuss your remote tasks to get accurate pricing.

2. Contus - Global Digital Solution Provider

Contus homepage

Best Remote Development Company For Full-Stack Product Engineering

Contus is a popular IT service and remote development company facilitating big enterprises like Ford and Mahindra. However, its doors are always open for startups and small and medium-sized businesses.

The company offers three types of remote development services:

I.  The first option lets you hire dedicated remote developers. That means you can choose:

  • Programmers
  • Cloud architects
  • Full-stack developers
  • An individual or multiple software engineers

II. The second option is hiring a dedicated remote development team, including:

  • Engineers
  • Quality analysts
  • Project manager
  • Solution architects

It is ideal if you want to add a tech team to your company without paying a king’s ransom. The dedicated team will stay with you until the project is done.

III. The third option is to outsource your entire project to Contus and let their specialized team do wonders. All you need to do is share your business idea and let the technical experts take care of everything until the project is complete. This remote service includes designing, developing, deploying, and delivering your project without delay.

The company has an in-house remote development policy, and none of the projects are given to freelancers. So no matter which remote service you choose, your projects are monitored right from the desk and under the company’s supervision.

Contus has completed over 500 projects by working on:

  • IoT
  • RPA
  • DevOps
  • Microservices principles

Moreover, you can also choose a remote team for platform-specific mobility solutions, such as Android and iOS development and cross-platform mobile application development.

By selecting Contus remote team, you can also enjoy benefits like:

  • Full technical support
  • Complete project responsibility until the delivery
  • Frontend, backend, testing, and automation services


The pricing depends on the project requirements and the choice of your remote development services.

3. InfoStride - Secure Software Engineering

InfoStride homepage

Remote Development Company Ideal For Complex Projects

InfoStride offers a wide range of remote software development services to local and global clients. The company houses dedicated development teams that can work with all programming languages and frameworks, including Angular, Java, and Android Studio, ensuring a smooth development process.

InfoStride offers web development, mobile engineering, data engineering, and cloud engineering services through two different remote work models:

I. The first model is called the “Extended Teams,” allowing you to hire the missing expert for your existing team remotely. The developer will address all the current technological challenges you face to ensure the project meets the desired requirements.

II. The second model is the “Project Based Teams.” This model allows you to hire a complete remote development team, including

  • Testers
  • Designers
  • Developers
  • Project managers
  • Business analysts

They all work together on your project to make it successful. So when you hire InfoStride for remote development, the process begins with:

  • Analyzing your project requirements
  • Selecting the best experts for your project
  • Setting up a dedicated remote team using the latest technology
  • Continuous support until you are satisfied

Some more reasons to choose InfoStride for remote software development are:

  • Fast communication
  • Excellent team network
  • Secure virtual space to prevent a data breach


You can contact InfoStride through email or by sending your requirements to their social media accounts to get a quote.

4. Marici - Turnkey ODC Services

Marici homepage

Remote Development Company With Best DevOps Practices

Marici provides unique solutions through its Offshore Development Center (ODC). The company includes an experienced remote workforce to overcome tasks through DevOps best practices. Marici promises enhanced productivity and decreased risks when working with its dedicated ODC for your software development.

It offers 4 service models for an improved customer experience.

I. You can go for its “Fully Distributed” model to hire a cross-functional team with members living in different time zones.

II. The “Hybrid” model allows you to build a hybrid team available both on-site and spread across different locations.

III. Hire a remote agile team through Marici’s “Time-Shifted Resources” model. It's the best choice if the needs and scope of your project are constantly changing.

IV. Lastly, the “Offshore Development” model fits best to fill the technological gaps in your existing in-house team. Through this service, you can hire a remote team of dedicated solution architects, developers, designers, etc.

The hired remote team can help you with:

  • General-purpose programming using C#, C++, Java, and Python
  • Remote DevOps solutions with Kubernetes, Kafka, and Dockers
  • Different development frameworks through Django, React, Angular, Ruby on Rails, or Asp.net.

A few more benefits of Marici remote development service include:

  • Experienced and skilled in-house remote teams
  • Solutions based on the latest tech innovations and trends
  • Winning projects through the “Intentional Programming” approach


The pricing depends on your project. You can request a quote by visiting Marici’s website.

5. Vteams - Scalability At Its Best

Vteams homepage

Remote Development Company With Best Metaprogramming Techniques

Vteams offers dedicated development solutions for enterprises, mid-sized tech companies, and startups. Its remote engineers are ready to work full-time with your in-house team. In case you don’t have an existing team, no problem. Vteams can provide you with all the members necessary to build and maintain your software from scratch.

So far, this company has served 10+ industries, including healthcare, fintech, logistics, business, and IT. Moreover, Vteams can develop technologies using:

  • IoT
  • RoR
  • PHP
  • .NET
  • JavaScript
  • Blockchain
  • Machine Learning
  • iOS and Android development

You can hire an individual software engineer or a fully remote team of application developers, eCommerce developers, UI/UX designers, and cloud and website developers.

When you hire a dedicated remote team, you can enjoy the following perks:

  • Flexible staffing
  • A big talent pool
  • Quick IT solutions
  • Affordable services
  • Flexible working hours to meet your requirements


Vteams have three pricing plans for you.

  • Fixed Big Plan ($24/hour) - Remote development teams are charged on an hourly basis.
  • Dedicated Plan ($2400/month) - A monthly billing plan starting from $2,400 to $3,400 per month.
  • Maintenance Plan - Allows you to hire remote developers for software updates, bug fixes, performance boost, and more. You can contact this company to get the pricing for the maintenance plan.

6. nCube - Robust OOD Solutions

nCube homepage

Best Remote Development Company For Staff Augmentation

nCube provides remote development services to help businesses develop technologies and fill the gap through remote teams. Each team includes senior-level developers having years of experience and knowledge. The workforce has problem-solving skills and expertise, allowing them to understand your requirements and deliver accordingly.

Likewise, this company provides remote workers after screening each candidate’s knowledge, mainly focusing on their understanding of OOP/OOD. To ensure the team remains motivated, nCube provides retention services to enhance their professional growth and keep their motivation high.

The company is an expert in building various projects using all the required technologies. nCube allows you to pick a remote work model that works best for you.

I. The first model is the “Team Extension” model allowing you to add remote developers to your existing team.

II. The second model is the “Remote Delivery Office,” where you can build your dedicated team of skilled engineers and programmers based in Latin America and Europe.

Also, the hiring process is easy. All you need to do is:

  • Define your desired team
  • Approve the remote team workers
  • Launch your team

A few additional reasons to choose nCube as your remote development company are:

  • Remote team building in 2-4 weeks
  • 100,000+ remote workers in the network
  • 95% of the developers are university degree holders
  • Language proficiency - 100% of its employees speak English


You can get estimations for your desired remote work model by contacting nCube through its website.

7. Sequentia - Integrated Solutions For Global Businesses

Sequentia homepage

Best Remote Development Company For Mobile & Web App Development

Sequentia provides remote staffing services for developing websites, web apps, and mobile applications. While the company doesn’t offer a completely remote team, it permits you to onboard the essential missing members to your current IT team on a long-term as well as short-term basis.

Sequentia is specialized in various technologies and programming languages to ensure the provision of top-talent and expert remote workers for helping your organization with its most urgent projects.

Top reasons why choosing Sequentia for your next project could be fruitful:

  • Positive workforce and team players
  • Remote workers at competitive rates
  • 100% transparency in the screening process
  • Possibility of hiring full-time, part-time, and hourly-based remote engineers


You can contact Sequentia via the official helpline or through email to get pricing.

8. Inoxoft - Innovative Troubleshooting Capabilities


Remote Development Company Trusted By Large Corporations

Inoxoft is a remote software company that offers remote development teams for product development, particularly to make changes to a project while it is still in development or after it has been released. So if you’re stuck with the development process or having issues after the launch, you can rely on this company to improve your product.

All remote teams have extensive experience in customized iOS and Android app development. Moreover, remote workers also help build or maintain your products based on trending technologies. By opting for Inoxoft remote teams, you can also enjoy the following benefits:

  • Team flexibility
  • Client control over tasks
  • Ability to change requirements at any stage


Inoxoft offers affordable rates for their remote teams on an hourly basis. You can get quotes by contacting this company via email.

9. Slash - SaaS Specialists

Slash homepage

Remote Development Company With Best Development Methodology

Slash homes to highly-qualified techies, assisting startups to build remote teams for developing brilliant products and solutions. The company has in-house talent as well as remote staff. The combination makes an ideal remote team for all types of web and mobile application development projects.

One of the best things about this remote development company is its commitment and on-time delivery. Why so? It is because it uses the Agile delivery approach. So when you hire a remote workforce from Slash, you can expect an Agile product manager, an Agile coach, and an Iteration manager to take care of the delivery.

The remote teams can work on trending technologies and are specialized in building SaaS-based solutions.

Some other reasons to choose Slash remote services are:

  • 60 in-house specialists
  • Experienced remote developers
  • Strategized project planning, execution, and delivery


You can fill out the contact form on Slash’s official site to know the pricing for its remote development service.

10. Lexarsoft - Inexpensive Remote Solutions


Remote Development Company Ideal For Cloud Application Development

Lexarsoft holds the 10th position on our list of best remote development services. It offers solutions for cloud-based web and mobile applications as per your demand. With special emphasis on communication skills when hiring, this company provides highly-qualified software engineers and developers for your remote jobs.

Moreover, the hired team assures continuous communication through phone, email, Skype, or Slack, for daily real-time updates according to your preferred hours. This results in better workflows, improved team productivity, and more focus on important challenges and solutions. Lexarsoft remote teams have hands-on experience with various technologies.

Some of the benefits you can expect after onboarding Lexarsoft are:

  • Low-cost
  • Reliability and consistency
  • Deadline-oriented work ethics


The pricing depends on the nature of the work and project requirements. You can email your queries to get a quote.


So there you have it, our top 10 recommendations for remote development companies and services. It can be difficult to choose the best remote development company for the project, but we hope that after reading this post, your decision-making process is easier.

With highly-qualified and experienced professionals in their teams, our top pick, Aloa can help you build a remarkable solution according to your demands. We provide the best remote talent with both strong work and academic backgrounds to ensure your project has no loose ends.

Getting in touch with us is simple as we are just an email away. You can always contact us at resources@aloa.co to discuss your requirements.

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